Workshop Date Friday 11th July 10am – 12 pm
Join us for this very special two hour Japanese Gyoza dumpling making workshop with Sydney Jeweller Saori Kita, to create one of the jewels of food.
Learn from scratch how to make two styles of dumplings, delicious Japanese Gyoza, and Chinese Yum Cha style. Then sit together to eat the joys of your labour and maybe take some home for the family!
This school holidays why not send your kids to become a gyoza factory apprentice and enjoy this fun and fabulous class! Once your child masters this, it will be cool for you at home!
A workshop for the young and young at heart!
Workshop timeline,
10:00 Introduce each other; wear paper Gyoza brooches written with everyone’s name.
10:10 Divide into three groups for instructions.
Wash hands and begin making the dough – group 1 (steaming) and group2 (make the flying/ steam Japanese style) and the 3rd group start chopping the vegies and mix
While leaving the group 2’s dough for 30 min, we start making wrappers for the steamed dumplings.
10:40 – the dough is ready to work, start making the the rest of it. Time to experiment! We will make three doughs, coloured by beetroot juice, spinach, and carrot.
10:50 Once the production is going start steaming! Factory of cooking gyoza time!
11:15 We try to fly the last batch as flying is sort of tradition, Japanese style.
11:45 Lets sit and eat!
Ages 10+ maximum 10 students, cost $35 including ingredients. BOOK HERE.