
A great tool to help us all show our love in a way that they will just GET it!

We’ve had some gorgeous men into the gallery in recent times. One romantic soul is having a ring made by us for a surprise proposal to his girlfriend, another came with his partner and made a special gift together and for another we melted down gold that he’d collected with his mother while gold panning as a child. We made this into a pair of custom designed earrings and a ring for his lucky mum.  What a fabulous gesture of love symbolising so many treasured childhood memories…….anyway, these guys got me thinking.

I  love having gifts for very special occasions as they embody special memories that last and can totally relate to the gesture these guys were making. When a Birthday or  special occasion comes around, my kids always ask me what I’d like as a gift. They desperately want to buy me something. To be honest  I  do love the handmade cards they make for me and just about anything handmade I’ll appreciate because of the time that’s been invested in making but would be happy if the kids just gave me a huge hug and tidied up their rooms without me asking!

Okay, I totally get that my kids just want a way to show me their love and I do want to honour that. I think that’s the same for all of us. Some of us love to feel special by receiving a random bunch of flowers or special present, or feel loved when spending quality time at a workshop, learning something new with a special friend. For others, it might be coming home and finding that your partner has thoughtfully arranged to get your shoes repaired, for others it may be getting heaps and heaps of hugs or just being told how great you are!

Anyway I just have to share something cool which  I’ve recently found out. It turns out there are 5 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES OF LOVE and when you know which one your loved one recognises, you’ll be able to REALLY show your love in a way that they’ll just GET IT!

It could be Words of Affirmation, Physical Affection, Acts of Service, Gift Giving or Quality Time.

Mine is Acts of Service….which may be why one of the things I enjoy so much here at the gallery is repairing broken jewellery for people or resurrecting heirloom jewels into contemporary new designs.

I’d love to hear what your love language is!

– Bridget

Ps. the image is a fabulous Kath Inglis brooch made from hand cut and dyed PVC