

Clare Exchange

Clare chose three vessels which equated to 10hrs and 20mins of time helping me with admin work in my gallery and making a pitch bowl

Correspondence used for the artwork ‘Many Hands: A year of exchanges and stories’

BK: You chose to exchange time for your three  baskets ‘318:9540’, ‘180:5400’ and ‘125:3750’. This comes to a total of 10hrs and 20 minutes. Is there anything in particular you’d be interested in exchanging time for? We discussed help with setting up shows and things and I do need some help with some installation work next week some time and also the week of 19th February? Is this of interest? If so, when do you think you could make the time? I could also do with an hour here or there over the next month uploading online events and other computer work.

CH: Hi Bridget,  Happy New year, hope you managed to have a relaxing time. I am looking forward to exchanging my time with you. I do have have a couple of days free next week but what are the dates? If by next week you mean the week starting on the 8th, I have Tuesday the 9th and Wednesday the 10th or if you mean the following week I have Tuesday the 16th and Wednesday the 17th off. With regards to the week of February the 19th, I fly back in from Japan on the 18th and have taken the 19th and 20th off that week too, but if you need for a different day let me know as I will have to organise it with my manager (the joys of only knowing your work hours 2 weeks in advance!). I also have the 23rd and the 24th of January off, but will be on holiday from the 1st of Feb to the18th. Any of that sound workable for you? And with regards to images, emails and texts I am happy to give permission for documentation. It sounds intriguing as to what the final outcome/ artwork will be. Hear from you soon, Clare

BK:  Hello, Lucky you – JAPAN!!! Would you like to come in for a few hours on Wednesday 17th January? It will be mainly uploading details for the first couple of shows to online event websites and maybe collating some info in Word. Then if you could come in on Monday 19th Feb to help me with the install of part of the ‘Red’ show that would be great. That should probably cover it I reckon. Does that work for you?

CH: Hi Bridget, I am also catching up the Saori in Japan too. Otherwise the 17th of Jan is fine – what time would you like me in? And also the 19th of Feb for set up is good too. Cheers, Clare

BK: Cool, do you want to come in about 11am on 17th?