

Di chose two vessels for her sons ‘143:4290’ and ‘275:8250’ which equated to 6hrs and 58mins of time. Di enjoyed cooking and planned to cook food for the ‘Sing and Soul’ fundraiser event. She became unwell and wasn’t able to complete her exchange in this way although I did receive a surprise of a yummy platter of food for one of my openings. She gave a generous donation to the fundraiser and chose to give me a cheque for my time.

Correspondence used for the artwork ‘Many Hands: A year of exchanges and stories’

Hello Bridget
Feeling pretty good after 5 days on beautiful Lord Howe Island. Wonderfully relaxing – lots of walking on  pristine beaches and through rainforest in misty weather, reading and 10 hour sleeps. Being Spring
meant lots of birds were nesting, particularly migratory seabirds.

Came up to the mountains today to simplify some financial matters and closed a bank account. I have just realised that you have not banked the cheque drawn on this account. I will have to replace it with another.
I will be back in Sydney next week and I could call in to do that, and at the same time, collect the vessels. Or we could arrange for you to drop in and perhaps have a cup of tea at our little flat at McMahons Pt.
Be in touch when my week is a bit clearer. – D

Hi D, Thank you so much for making the time to honour the exhibition with your attendance. It really meant a lot to me. More than you can imagine. I was incredibly touched. I’m more than happy to drop your vessels to you to make things a bit easier. Please let me know. B

Sadly Di passed away in June 2019. She took the time to visit the gallery the week before her death to tell me how much she’d loved being a part of the project and loved the space and what I’d created in North Sydney