
Rival States – Emma Field

Rival States –  2.8.17 – 19.8.17

new work by Emma Field
Opening drinks Wednesday 2nd August 6-8pm
Artists talk with visiting USA artist Caitie Sellers – 16th August, 6pm

emma-field-objectsAs a jeweller and designer, Emma Field makes work that is a balance between sculptural and wearable. Over the past two years, she has been experimenting with modern technologies, such as 3D printing, whilst honouring the handmade, in order to create sculptural pieces of jewellery that express ideas about chaos and order (both separately and together).

This solo exhibition that expands upon a recent body of work, titled Rival States, which was presented at JamFactory as part of Generate 2016.  She presents a collection of work that continues to explore the order and disorder that can be created when different lines and surfaces intersect. In particular, the series of larger, wearable geometric necklaces explore the intersection of line in unexpected ways. The resulting larger collection of pieces present a playground of stackable, and wearable object pieces. (images: Craig Arnold).