
FOR THE LOVE OF COFFEE…. seeking submission proposals!


We are looking for jewellers who love their coffee. We don’t expect it to be the ‘be all and end all’ of your existence, but we think it might or should, come in a pretty close second. You could say that this show is not so much about the work rather the stories and anecdotes that are shared about or over a good strong cup of Joe.

We assume one could parallel the making of coffee with the making of art or jewellery, but we won’t go that far. Really, all you need to know is that this show is about how coffee or the act of ‘meeting for a coffee’ factors into your practice, making and/or existence.

Perhaps without it, you might not have met up with an old friend and discussed your ideas, you might not have pulled apart your machine to see how it works, conversely you might not have built a machine to share the love, and you certainly might not have made all the interesting, beautiful/ugly and thought provoking work that covers your bench right at this moment.

Please note: The work does not have to reference coffee at all. The accompanying wall text will speak of how coffee or the act of meeting someone for a coffee factors into your practice.

EXHIBITION DATES: 2nd – 13th October 2012

OPENING: Saturday 6th October 4-6pm


– Max 5 Images or scanned sketches of the proposed body of work (3-5 pieces)

– Artist statement about this body of work (100 – 200 word)

– A very brief anecdote about your love of coffee and its roll in your practice

– Max 2 page artist CV including artist Bio

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday 29th June 2012 5pm

NB. This is a curated exhibition, not all submissions will be successful, you will however be notified either way by the 13th July 2012


– If accepted, an artist contribution fee of $55 will need to paid by the 1st of August 2012 (this helps cover the cost of the gallery and professional presentation of your work)

– A questionnaire about why/what it is that you love about coffee, this will be forwarded to artists with successful submissions.

– The artist is solely responsible for the transport/insurance of the work to and from the gallery

– DELIVERY OF WORK: by 21st September 2012

Got a question? Please feel free to drop me an e-mail exhibitions@studio2017.com.au or phone me on 02 96987999

Zoe Brand Exhibition Coordinator at Studio 20/17 (Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 11am-6pm)