

We’ve got some wonderful images coming in of the work that is going to be in the Winter Brooch exhibition. We have 11 artists all up who will be exhibiting work (including us). I can’t wait to show it all to the fascinating people who visit the Danks Street complex…..(had someone come in the other day who just totally ‘got’ my coal/beeswax and silver neckpiece – it was so great – made my day)…..the work coming in has such a wonderful array of materials, processes and concepts – woo hoo!!

Spent the day in the studio with Mel (yes, it WAS both our days off) – we were both very focussed on making work for the Hope St markets, although I kept getting distracted with the brooches that I’m making for the show. Am having fun playing and not being too precious with ‘precise technical making’ (Mel would be horrified with the amount of solder I’m using and the sloshing around that is going on). Am experimenting with ‘painting’ with the metal and being a bit free-er with the whole soldering thing…then I’m going to use paint with a few other materials mixed in…not sure how it’s going to work out – but that’s where the fun is. Mel says they should be wearable (argh) – and I suppose they should – but I’m looking at making them ‘wall brooches’, a kind of little installation.