
2012 – November – 'Imprint' – A collection of two part rings by Claire Townsend


A collection of two part rings by Claire Townsend

6th – 17th November 2012

CELEBRATION DRINKS Saturday 10th November 2012 – 4-6pm

ARTIST TALK 3:45pm Saturday 10th November 2012

Perth jeweller Claire Townsend, has been researching and making jewellery for the last 15 years. She is primarily interested in the nuances of relationships: the subtle aspects of communication to the more obvious impact others can make on our being. It is through the construction of her jewellery, and more specifically the form of a ring, that she explores these dynamic exchanges.

She understands that the ring is often regarded as the symbolic carrier of commitment and love; in reflecting this ideal, the rings in this exhibition are first and foremost objects of desire and represent the beauty of relationships; however these pieces also express the other many and perhaps not always loving connections and interactions we have with others.

With her interest in the impressions and marks that we leave on others, she has begun to experiment with traditional and industrial enamelling techniques to see what marks and impressions she can make on the surfaces of the precious metals that she uses to construct her rings.

Claire Says ‘the rings in this show will consist of two parts that fit together, some able to be worn separately, while others require both parts in order to be worn. One piece of the ring leaves a mark or image on the other piece, and this then becomes hidden or exaggerated when they are put together.

This exhibition will not only showcase approximately 30 handmade rings but will also include a selection of samples that give an insight into the extensive research of technique and materials that the artists has embarked upon over the last few years since receiving a mid career Fellowship Grant from the Department of Culture and the Arts in Western Australia.