Call for Submissions
MAKER/WEARER/MATCHMAKER – a collaborative jewellery project, initiated by JMGA-NSW and coordinated by Bridget Kennedy
NSW jewellery artists and members of JMGA-NSW are invited to submit a proposal to participate in MAKER/WEARER/MATCHMAKER, a collaboration between JMGA-NSW and the galleries of 2 Danks St, Waterloo, to be run during ARTMONTH, March 2013.
In this project, selected artists will each work with one of the gallery directors from 2 Danks St, producing a small series of works (1-3 pieces) inspired by the director or work exhibited in their gallery, which the gallery director will then wear during Art Month 2013 (March 2013). The works will be developed following a meeting with your gallery director. When your work is not being worn it will be displayed in the gallery.
An online catalogue will be produced documenting the project and the works produced.
The project will endeavour to create an aspect of community and conversation and to challenge boundaries of contemporary jewellery, whilst increasing its profile within the contemporary art environment. Wearers and viewers of the work will be able to reflect on their emotional and physical response to the work via a blog. Each director will be given a journal to document their personal responses to the work.
This project will be managed by Bridget Kennedy, co-director studio 2017, 2 Danks St and secretary JMGA-NSW.
Your submission should include:
– 3-5 images of recent work, presented in a powerpoint presentation saved under your name. Images should carry captions with title of work, year of production, materials, dimensions.
– a supporting statement about these works (max 200 words)
– The gallery/galleries you would preferred to be paired with (optional) – see Or visit the galleries in Sydney at 2 Danks street Waterloo, NSW 2017.
– a CV (max. 1 A4 page)
Please email your submission to:
Submissions due by 9am January 14 2013.
Eligibility and conditions
Submissions will be excluded if incomplete or not meeting the stated requirements.
No late submissions will be accepted.
All jewellery artists resident in NSW or with a JMGA-NSW membership current at time of submission are eligible to submit a proposal.
If selected to participate in the MAKER/WEARER/MATCHMAKER you will be required to become a member of JMGA-NSW, if you do not currently hold membership.
If selected, you will be required to attend the official matchmakers event in late January (date TBC) at 2 Danks Street. All work must be completed and delivered by February 26.
Artists and gallery directors will enter into an agreement covering the loan of the works for the duration of the project.
Artists will retain ownership of their work unless sold.
Copyright of the work will remain with the artist however artists will be required to provide permission for images of the work to be used in the catalogue and additional documentation and publicity of the project.
Questions? Please email Bridget Kennedy at: