Correspondence used for the artwork ‘Many Hands: A year of exchanges and stories’
I love the idea of your project, how do I get involved? M
thanks for showing an interest. I’ll email you some info. – B
did you get time to send the email – m
so sorry I’ve been out of range. Still o/s. Will send now….and thanks for the reminder – b
just checking that you got my email, are you interested – b
Hey, I haven’t received anything, sorry – M
Ah just found it in junk mail. Shall have a read and get back to you – M
Ok, read the email. I’m keen – M
Ok, you’ll need to give me some idea of which form you’d like so I can let you know the time involved. Do you want to exchange for time or currency? Are you Sydney based? B
Awesome. I haven’t seen the exhibition yet but I like the muted neutral toned vase shaped or bowl shaped ones. I’d like to exchange for time. Am Sydney based. Here’s a random list of ideas: I’m a paramedic. If there’s anything first aid related you want to learn? I’m really good at organising stuff (as in organising a cluttered space) I like plants and gardening. I have a ute. I can move stuff. I could teach you how to brew Kombucha or even beer! And probably a million other random things. – M
haven’t been able to get to your exhibition yet but I’ve looked over your Insta again. I’ve tagged 2 posts with the vessels I like the most. – M
Wow, total respect…paramedic..such an important job. Cool that u keen to be involved. Gardening would be great…my garden is suffering a bit at the moment. Need some help getting some mulch from Council and laying it, so we could use your ute. Looking forward to the exchange. I’m a big fan of Kombucha and already do my own brewing. It’s great stuff! -B
Deal! Love making use of the ute. Always had Utes for this exact reason! M
Hi I’ve attached a pic of ‘408:12240’ that you tagged on insta. It took 6hrs and 48 mins of stitching time. Early mornings most days apart from Mondays work for me. Just let me know some times and dates and we can nut it out. B
Sorry for the delay getting back to you. Maybe two sessions of gardening will work nicely. Here’s a few dates I’m free, March: 5, 6, 12, 13, 21-29 – M
Ok cool I’ll put it aside for you. I’ll check out the mulch place hrs and get back to you. Any preference re mornings or arvos? At this stage my mornings are full on the days you mention but arvos free after 5.30pm. From 21st Mar things are bit more flexi. Anyways will depend on council mulch hrs….stay tuned! B
Ok cool. I’ll wait to hear. Yeah if you’re mulch place is anything like my mulch place it probably has pretty specific opening hours. M
So the place opens from 6am.I’m now free on Tue 6th in the morning if you’re up to some gardening and don’t have other plans. Alternatively, I could do an early on Fri 23rd or Tue 27th , or arvo of Mon 26th after 2.bk
So sorry, I missed your reply from ages ago! Are you still free on 26th & 27th? I can do both those days. M
I can do between 2pm til 5pm on Mon 26th and between 8am til 1pm on Tue 27th.
We should be able to get the exchange done in that time if you’re up for it. Just let me know when you’d like to start. B
Great see you