by Regina Krawets
10 – 27 Mar 2021
More recently creative pursuits such as crochet and embroidery, activities that might today be categorised as ‘domestic arts’, have been eschewed by artists and crafters alike. Associations with women’s work and colonialism have seen them falling out of favour for less contentious ways of getting our craft on. But since the year that was 2020 took Sip ‘n Paint off the table, many of us seeking the stress relieving salve of creativity have taken up stitching again.
When you think of textiles words like comforting, cosy and enveloping come to mind, experiences we’ve need more of during the past year. The meditative practice of stitching and counting helps relieve anxiety and fill the increased hours of solitude we’ve all endured more of lately, giving those of us too unmotivated to learn a new language something to show for a day spent in isolation.
But if we can’t show off our handcrafted knitwear because we’re going out less, and grandma’s doilies clash with the Scandi modern of our interiors, what to make with the product of all this busy work? Perhaps, a strand of giant worry beads filled with soft warming fibres and herbal scents to
envelope oneself in, soothing aching muscles agrieved by postures of anxiety and hours spent on devices. Or maybe screen worthy jewellery laden with material meaning for all those remote meetings and group calls…
This exhibition is part of PROJECT 2060: HOMEWARD BOUND, a major Arts & Culture North Sydney initiative exhibiting works by 150 artists across five Council venues. Venue 4 presents an exhibition of contemporary jewellery by Bridget Kennedy Project Space Artist in Residence, Regina Krawets. In ‘MATERIAL COMFORTS’ our perceptions of the traditional creative pursuits of crochet, embroidery and stitching are challenged in an innovative exhibition of beautifully handmade wearable art objects, delicate brooches, finely detailed earrings, and an oversized decorative neck piece.