The people who are close to Bridget know she HATES to throw things out unnecessarily.
No, she’s not a hoarder, just someone who respects resources and hates waste!
As a result, she’s decided to hold a series of short workshops teaching people the skills to repair, re-use, re-design, re-create existing jewels to bring them back to life.
The first of these will be a 1:30 hour restring/reknot workshop. Limited to 5 places only, this workshop will teach you how to individually reknot a broken pearl necklace (or other similar favourite beaded string necklace). You’ll learn a couple of different knotting techniques and be provided wth silk thread and other materials needed to repair one necklace. Bring your coffee and your beads and come along to this informal and friendly workshop! Book Here
contact the gallery for upcoming dates
Ages 12 and up
Cost $48 (includes material costs to reknot one necklace)
Bookings essential – Only 5 places available