scents carry the memory of place
trailing along as the path is walked
weight of reference
trips over links to the past,
slowing the journey
with time collecting new fragments,
wearing, breaking
letting go
leaving the backbone
the essence.
2 metre neckpiece, handsawn aluminium links covered in beeswax (graded in colour), zinc oxide, sterling silver.
The 20cm of small sterling silver links represent the ‘core’, the ‘essence’ that memory or place is reduced to. The chain of graduating wax links which very slightly fade in colour from beeswax to a soft white represent memory. The darkest links, the oldest memories, with the bottom, white, largest elements of this chain trailing along the floor. When worn, collecting time, memory, scent, marks, colour.
A series of two objects – ‘Armbands’, 2005, Stainless Steel, Beeswax.