Above Earth, Below Sea exhibition
Bridget and I went to a beautiful exhibition opening last night at Paper Plane gallery in Rozelle. Two of our gallery artists Saori Kita and Rui Kikuchi were part of the exhibition. – Mel Check out the exhibition blog – http://www.aboveearthbelowsea.blogspot.com/
LOVE LACE opens at the POWERHOUSE MUSEUM this weekend
Congratulations to two of our lovely gallery artists, Rui Kikuchi and Melissa Cameron, who are both finalists in the LOVE LACE exhibition opening this weekend.http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/lovelace/. – bk
Rui Kikuchi – showcase of new work
It was lovely to see the gorgeous Rui and her new work with PET bottles is fascinating! Here are some snaps from the evening. – BK
Rui comes to town!
The gorgeous Rui Kikuchi is over from Japan for a few days. She’ll be showcasing a new body of exhibition work in the gallery for the next 3 weeks. Made from PET bottles that have been hand sawn, shaped and dyed, the works reflects the wondrous underwater environment. Please join us this coming Tuesday 1st […]