
Something worth thinking about…

Google synthetic diamonds… The results are predominately synthetic diamond sellers, followed by articles detailing the laboratory process, a ‘how to’ on creating your own man-made diamond using a microwave to create ‘graphite plasma’[1] and a disgruntled ex-fiancé who asks ‘was it fair she dumped me because I gave her a fake diamond’[2]? It’s a jumble […]

Above Earth, Below Sea exhibition

Bridget and I went to a beautiful exhibition opening last night at Paper Plane gallery in Rozelle. Two of our gallery artists Saori Kita and Rui Kikuchi were part of the exhibition. – Mel Check out the exhibition blog – http://www.aboveearthbelowsea.blogspot.com/

Mel putting the finishing touches to our current group exhibition – Winter Neckpieces

The exhibition is up! New work by :- Karin Jacobsson, Karin Findeis, Helena Bogucki, KarenThompson, Joung-mee Do, Daehoon Kang, MelindaYoung,  Lauren Simeoni, Phoebe Porter, Raewyn Walsh, Kristin D’agostino, Djurdica Kesic, Melissa Cameron, Elfrun Lach,  Leslie Matthews,  Bridget Kennedy,  Diane Appleby, Farah Bandookwala and Saori Kita. – bk. A selection of images [slideshow]