Happy Holidays!
We’re looking forward to 20/17 – as it’s our year! It’s going to be a fabulous one. Subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date
Artistic Collaborations
We love collaborating with other creatives. I Recently fabricated a series of brooches designed by Artist, Christopher Hodges, of Utopia Art Sydney for an exhibition at Stanley Street Gallery. The brooches were inspired by Polynesian floral motifs and reference his larger scale sculptural work. The works were hand sawpierced from original artist drawings, ensuring that every […]
Victoria Cleland our fabulous intern, interviews Kenny SON about his recent mentorship and upcoming exhibition
Conveying Korean Metalcraft with Kenny Son. Kenny Son is an emerging designer-maker who has recently completed a six-month mentorship under master metalsmith Sung Joon Cho in Korea, with funding provided by the Australia-Korea Foundation. Kenny participated in the program with the aim of introducing traditional Korean metalsmithing skills to the Australian jewellery community. After graduating […]
Thanks Mel Young! We love your fuzzy little bottoms!
April already! We had a lot of fun with our Glorious Food exhibition for ArtMonth in March. Bridget’s Lipoma Lemon (miracle-gro) brooch provided delicious inspiration for a lemon tart dessert created by Luke Mangan for the Visual Feasts dinner, a collaboration between the 2 Danks St galleries and the renowned chef. […]
Celebration drinks with Sean O’Connell – the monstors we make
Thanks to everyone for coming on Saturday to play with Sean’s jewels! Sorry Sean, the photos are only from the beginning of the evening…we were too busy talking to everyone later on!
some nice press we received in the Sydney Morning Herald Sydney Magazine – down the bottom right hand corner!
photos from artist talk and opening – The Nature of Memory by Jess Dare
What a night! – ‘Conduit’ by Mary Hackett – a few photos of celebration drinks
some work completed recently
Just thought I’d put up an image of some exhibition work I completed recently….made from 925 silver and cicada shell legs. It’s amazing how strong these fragile elements become when massed together. I’ll be making some more wearable versions in earrings and pendants for our Christmas showcase which we’ll be installing this coming Monday…..better […]
‘Forever Plastic’ Online Catalogue Now Available!
Five days left for our ‘Forever Plastic’ exhibition! If you haven’t already swung by the gallery, you can always take a look at our online catalogue here – ‘Forever Plastic Online Catalogue’.
2000 chances to win…..
one of 14 precious and collectible, wearable and non-wearable jewelleries made by the NZ HandShake jewellers! They’re raising funds to exhibit their work at SCHMUCK, Munich in 2013, and producing a fabulous book about the 2 year project. Studio 20/17 is selling them on behalf of the NZ guys. Tickets are just $4 each and […]
Sheridan Kennedy’s ‘O Tremblant !’
Thank you to everyone who came along to the opening of Sheridan Kennedy’s ‘O Tremblant’ last Saturday ! Kennedy’s wonderfully alive, attention seeking jewels were widely enjoyed! If you are yet to experience ‘O Tremblant’, make sure to pop on in before Saturday the 1st of September.
Christmas is coming……
2012 Christmas Showcase: Submissions now open! We are calling for expressions of interest for original and well made contemporary jewellery for the Studio 20/17 annual Christmas showcase. Opening 3rd December 2012 and running through until Christmas Eve, it provides an excellent opportunity to showcase and sell new work during this busy period. Selected artists are […]
Oh Opal! – Oh Opening!
Thanks to all who came along last Saturday for the opening of Oh Opal! (re-imagining Australia’s national gemstone). We had a lovely time and were lucky enough to be graced with presences of three participating artists aka ‘particles’ (Christine Scott-Young, Jill Hermans and Dianne Beevers)! Christine gave a delightful and informative talk about the history […]
Studio 20/17 is hiring
Studio 20/17 is hiring! Interested in gaining industry experience in the arts? We’re looking for an enthusiastic part time/casual gallery curator/assistant with a passion for contemporary jewellery. You’ll need to be available to work 2 days a week (one of those a Saturday), be a people person, team player, organised with an attention to detail, and […]
snaps of the celebrations of Savage Beast II
rings for blokes – and more!
Studio 20/17 would like to welcome David Cruickshank to the gallery. David has brought us in a selection of beautifully handcrafted titanium and 18ct gold rings. So if you’re in the market for a special ring for your man, please be sure to check these out. They can be made up in any size within […]
‘ Fragments of an Expanse’ and ‘On Fluid Roads’ celebration drink snaps
Some photos from celebration drinks (including a gorgeous photo of the two beautiful artists – Szilvia Gyorgy and Jasmine Matus)….and some installation shots. The last day to see these shows is Saturday 26th November – bk.
some snaps from our opening last week – Measuring the space between
beautiful work by Melissa Cameron and Chloe Vallance in our new BIG space……we hardly know ourselves! – bk
Opening night photos from ‘Geometric Note’ – work by Hyun-seok Sim
Thank you Kenny for sending through these images! – bk
Karin Findeis – artist talk last Saturday
We were fortunate to have Karin in the gallery last Saturday discussing her work. It was a fabulous insight into the concepts and processes behind the body of work on exhibition. A very popular event. I wonder if we should hold more of these? – BK
Rui Kikuchi – showcase of new work
It was lovely to see the gorgeous Rui and her new work with PET bottles is fascinating! Here are some snaps from the evening. – BK
Rui comes to town!
The gorgeous Rui Kikuchi is over from Japan for a few days. She’ll be showcasing a new body of exhibition work in the gallery for the next 3 weeks. Made from PET bottles that have been hand sawn, shaped and dyed, the works reflects the wondrous underwater environment. Please join us this coming Tuesday 1st […]
‘As one’ – installing the show – opens tomorrow!
and now for something different! Mark McClelland and Marcelo Zavala-Baeza installing some larger scale works than those normally seen in our little gallery. The boys have created some amazing poetic granite and stainless steel sculptual works. These jewels for the landscape are not to be missed!Celebration drinks are this coming Wednesday 6-8pm in conjunction with […]
Anna Davern – New in the gallery
Anna Davern has sent us some new bangles to match her wrapped rings already in the gallery. Anna has also sent us some new wrapped rings in 18ct yellow gold. Along with these new pieces Anna also sent a a range of her classic design earrings – Mel
Another chance! (for those of you who missed ‘Artefacts’)
Lucky us! The gallery now has a small collection of work by Penny Snars and Rhonda Dwyer from their ‘Artefact’ exhibition shown in the gallery earlier this year. Here are a few images….these would definately bring a smile to someone’s face this Christmas! – bk
Natalie Klave – compression bangles just in.
Statement bangles in a gorgeous cherry red and classic black have just arrived in the gallery. Some of you may remember Natalie’s compression bangles from one of our earlier Christmas Showcases. This time around, she has made a few in a stunning cherry red. Perfect to show off at Christmas lunch. Here’s a quick snap […]
a few images from ‘Wrapped’ – our Annual Christmas showcase
It was a fantastic turnout and Melanie and I were kept very busy on the night. The show looks great and we’re always so excited to see the wonderful work being created by the many talented makers we showcase. – bk.
oops, a bit late…but….
finally a few moments to upload some snaps from the opening night of Profile ’10 ….a big congratulations to Helen Mok, winner of the emerging category, and Sean O’Connell, winner of the general category – Bridget.
our new website is up!
When we’re not at the bench or in the gallery, Mel and I have been honing our IT skills and we’ve recently completed our new website. On it you can see some of the gorgeous work by our gallery artists as well as more information about the studio and what’s currently happening in the space…..check […]
The start of 2009
One of the pieces in our current exhibition. From a series I’m working on titled ‘food for thought’. We’re looking forward to an exciting year ahead. Alot of our energy was spent last year setting up the space and getting our head around all the admin bits and pieces that are required for running a […]
Happy New Year
The studio is currently on Holidays but Bridget and I are have returned and are preparing for the 2 Danks st opening on the 21st January. 2 Danks st opens with Sculpture 2009. All galleries will be exhibiting sculpture. Along with works from 8 of the other galleries, Studio 20/17 will be exhibiting work by […]
For those who might have been into the space recently, there’s been a new face. It’s Tim, a high school student from Annandale who is interested in studying Jewellery and Object Design. He approached us to do some work experience a few weeks ago. He’s been busy helping us and making some of his own […]
Production vs Exhibition
My head is continually messed up by the making of limited edition work vs one-off exhibition pieces. I quite enjoy the repetitive element of making the same thing over and over, and then suddenly, it just does my head (and heart) in and I feel like a little factory…don’t get me wrong I still love […]
Thanks for all the submissions to our Christmas showcase!
Mel and I have been busy looking through all the wonderful submissions of georgous work! We were initially worried that we may not have many…and then, in the last 48 hours, phew…..well let’s say, it’s interesting to see how people timetable their lives. Me, I’m not a last minute girl- it’d stress me out too […]
Calling for expressions of interest – Christmas showcase
Mel and I are getting organised for our Christmas showcase month…So, we are calling for expressions of interest from practitioners. Due date is 12th September 2008 and selected artists will be informed by 16th September. Please send us an email and we can forward more details.
Anodising Aluminium
Now for my exciting current project! I am learning the joys of Anodised aluminium. My last lot of work came back from the anodisers with surface pitting, I was told it was the metal, although the previous pieces I had anodised were from the same sheet and they worked perfectly. Supposedly there can be variations in […]
We’re now ‘officially’ here!
We officially launched the space last Wednesday night, along with opening night drinks for Emma Fielden’s exhibition of beautiful work! It was a great night and Mel and I both spent the next few days justing getting over the whole thing. It wasn’t until after it was ll over that we realised how exhausted we […]
bits and pieces
After being caught up in the distractions of admin around the setup of the space…things like installing a phone line (phew -that was a trial and a half), merchant facilities, bank accounts, machinery setup and location, sourcing of a fridge (to store the milk for our daily expresso coffee), creation of a press release (thank […]