

For those who might have been into the space recently, there’s been a new face. It’s Tim, a high school student from Annandale who is interested in studying Jewellery and Object Design. He approached us to do some work experience a few weeks ago. He’s been busy helping us and making some of his own work. Tim picked a good week (or two) to come in as there is the wonderful JOD exhibition in DEPOT I and DEPOT II – consisting of work by students from all three stages of the Jewellery and Object Design course at the Design Centre, Enmore. A great course (Mel and I both studied there)!  So, it’s well worth a vist to 2 Danks St this week for a chance to see more than 700 pieces of contemporary jewellery in one place. The exhibition finishes this Saturday….and of course, there’s also the Christmas Showcase in our studio space to check out.